CISV New York Applications

Applications for 2025 programs are now open. Follow us on Instagram and sign up for our newsletters to receive CISV New York updates.


Duration: 23-28 days Ages: 11

CISV Villages inspire eleven-year-old children to imagine a more just and peaceful world. The children come together from many different countries to take part in a variety of educational, cultural and fun activities. Village is only for youth aged 11.

Youth Meeting

Duration: 8 or 15 days Ages: 12-13

Youth Meetings bring small groups of young people of similar ages together from different countries within a region. Generally, eight country delegations consisting of 4 youth and a leader attend. Join a Youth Meeting and explore aspects of a theme that affects us all!

Step Up

Duration: 23 days Ages: 14-or-15

CISV's Step Up program encourages young people to take a leading role in planning and organizing activities. The participants and their adult leaders use CISV's peace education to guide the theme of the camp around which they plan activities, such as identity, democracy, or environmental protection.


Duration: 15 days Ages: 16-17

Fortnight is an engaging two-week domestic summer program that is affordable and a whole bunch of fun. In addition to content that will explore many new topics, such as what it means to be a U.S. citizen, cultural awareness, and American cultural history and diversity, the camp will also focus on community service.

Junior Counselor

Duration: 28 days Ages: 16-17

In a Village, the Junior Counselors (JCs) are an important part of the leaders’ group and contribute to the planning and operation of the camp’s daily activities. The JCs serve as the bridge between the delegates and the adults.

Seminar Camp

Duration: 21 days Ages: 16-17

This personally challenging, intensive program for older teens is coordinated by the 24 - 30 participants themselves. With the supervision and assistance of international adult staff, the participants develop their own agenda and explore global issues based on their backgrounds and interests through activities and in-depth discussions.


Duration: 8-28 days Ages: 21+

The CISV New York chapter is seeking leaders (ages 21+) for our programs. As a leader, you’ll travel with a delegation of four youth to an international camp, fostering global friendships and gaining invaluable personal and professional growth.